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New schematic maps of the





Design consultancy

Project Mapping can design maps for organisations of any size, either bespoke or based on Project Mappings existing suite of UK templates. Project have worked with many members of the rail industry and have a full portfolio of successful projects.


Andrew Smithers


Network Topologies
Michael Roberts


Mr Mappy
MrMappy and GB anagram map
Network Rail
National Rail - Rovers & Rangers, Disruption, maps and regions
Navitime - Japanese app
ASLEF diary maps
Rail Industries Association
WMRE - RIA - West Midlands Rail Executive
DfT - Department for Transport
Abellio - Scotrail
First Group - SWR, TPX
National Grid
Middleton Press
Colas Rail
Michael Roberts, Chief Executive ATOC, with map in background and interesting head gear
Mr Mappy with Geoff Marshall, Stone station October 2021
MrMappy and The Master, Max Roberts at the launch of his latest book Tube Map Travels at Stanfords, London, December 2019
George Muir
Andrew Smithers Mr Mappy and Cameron Booth


Maps on this site not designed by Project Mapping were scanned in from printed material, downloaded from other sites or supplied by others. Every effort has been made to establish the owner, source and date of original design (or date seen) but this has not always been possible.

No profit is made from the collation of these maps into one location, the aim being to provide a resource that will enable comparison and further understanding of rail map design.

The maps shown on this site are protected by the copyright and trade mark laws of the UK, United States and other countries.

Although you are encouraged to access the maps on this site, you are very likely to need permission from the owner before using them for any purpose other than viewing on the web.

For permissions to use a map, please contact the image owner as indicated on the map or caption.

Andrew Smithers Mr Mappy
Andrew and 'Cam', Cameron Booth the Mapster-in-Chief in Portland Oregon in May 2019
George Muir, previous Chief Executive ATOC, with map in background wearing matching shirt
Mr Mappy after auction purchases 2017
MrMappy and GB anagram map
Andrew Smithers MrMappy and retro style GB route map
Mr Mappy with anagram pinny November 2020
Mr Mappy with first Redbubble print November 2020
Max Roberts and his display of posters at Wivenhoe station 2020
Mark Ovendum and Cameron Booth
R. Raleigh D'Adamo
Mark Ovendum and Cameron Booth in New York after map presentation at NY Subway museum November 2015
Mark Ovendum and Cameron Booth
R. Raleigh D'Adamo designer of early New York Subway maps
Project Mapping wallpaper
Mr Mappy & Chris Neuherz
Project Mapping wallpaper and very happy kid
MrMappy and Chris Neuherz, Graz Austria July 2023
Geofftech railmap launch Lance Wyman & Peter Lloyd Lance Wyman & Peter Lloyd
Lance Wyman & Peter Lloyd
Geoff Marshall at launch of all stations map by Railmap
Lance Wyman & Peter Lloyd
Mr Mappy with Geoff Marshall, Stone station October 2021
Mark Ovenden with Vignelli
Mark Ovenden with Vignelli
Mr Mappy with Geoff Marshall, Stone station October 2021 and comment on video
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