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site map



New schematic maps of the New schematic maps of the


New schematic maps of the


Network outline
Great Britain Train Services Alex Hancock Dec 2019

Well, 10 out of 10 for the research and design time Alex has put into this 30º/60º design. Although it would have been nice if the obvious plagiarism of Project Mappings all station map had been acknowledged as his starting point.

The main concept is that users can ascertain how many trains there are per hour on any service. Showing services (on top of routes) is an astonishing achievement but the method chosen is too cumbersome to be visually acceptable. He does this by duplicating the whole route the number of times an hour trains run (although a thinner line is used to show bi-hourly services), leading to, for example, four parallel lines for the North London line Richmond-Stratford service. This builds up to 42 lines at the extreme example, Waterloo. Clapham Junction is just mind boggling. The amount of maintenance this level of information requires doesn't bear thinking about.

I don't think its possible to make this map work using this method and Alex needs to rethink his system.

• Copies Project Mapping geometry in many places (GWR trajectories from Reading; horizontal alignments Crewe - Derby and Preston - Hull; suburban lines out of Waterloo)
• Copies Project Mapping method of placing TOC names locally in TOC colours
• Many terminal reversals shown as through routes, eg Castleford
• Liverpool Merseyrail Wirral service shown as a terminal service when its a loop (explanation in tiny type)
• Unfinished, some gentle curves, but many sharp angles
• Many examples of incorrect station stops, for example Northern do stop at Batley and Ravensthorpe
• Geography incorrect: Stourbridge Town and Reditch are on the wrong side of main line for example
• Where's London? No caption.


Great Britain Train Services Alex Hancock Dec 2019 Stourbridge
Great Britain Train Services Alex Hancock Liverpool Great Britain Train Services Alex Hancock Waterloo Clapham Junction
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