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site map



New schematic maps of the









Network outline   Network outline   Network outline
TfW Valley lines v1.4 English TfW-Valley-Lines-map-BIL 2024 Cardiff metro map Michael Fox
Network outline
TfW Valley Lines Map-A4 2022
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline
TfW VL Map NON ACCESSIBLE 0419 - 261119 Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline
South Wales Metro train rail network map Welsh Cymru South Wales Metro train rail network map Welsh Cymru
South Wales Metro train rail network map Welsh Cymru
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline
South Wales Metro train rail network map South Wales Metro train rail network map
South Wales Metro train rail network map
Network outline
Cynllun rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd Network work in Welsh
Valley Lines train / rail network map WatchMapDesign
Rhwydwaith y cymoedd
Rhwydwaith y cymoedd
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline
Capital Connect Metro train rail network map
Network outline

Keeps Cardiff central on the map and uses softer curves to describe the main lines and sharper curves for the valleys network. English language and welsh language versions.

Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Capital Connect Metro train rail network map
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline   Network outline
Cardiff Underground valley Lines train / rail network map
Valley Lines train / rail netwrk map
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
Network outline
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map
170228-tw-consultation-document-en_Page_26_South Wales & Valleys
170228-tw-consultation-document-en_Page_26_South Wales & Valleys

Quite a good looking map with an interesting solution to station importance, or in this case, terminal or through stations.

The zones are missing, but this is probably the way the map was supplied to Today's Railways magazine (May 2008).

Running the Queen Street lines into the north side of the layout at Central may have reduced the number of lines crossing the South Wales main line, but it is not what you see out of the window.

Also a shame that the orientation of the valley lines is lost, a square format may have enabled Pontypridd and Rhymney lines to run vertically. The distortion south of Central is also a bit sad. And there's one non-45ยบ angle at Llantwit Major.

Port talbot with a small t. Its been there since 2005, see below. Lower-case l at beginning of Lefel Uchel y Mynydd Bychan.

Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map

Although pre-Ebbw Vale reopening, the valley lines are all north facing. FWT have used the London tube map system of overlapping ticks for stations that serve more than one route, and whilst logical and quite pretty, is a bit 'harlequinesque' at, for example, Queen Street. As a result there is only one station symbol, possibly good, but different to most other maps which have a distinct interchange symbol.

Network outline
ATW Valley Lines train / rail zonal map
Network outline
Valley Lines train / rail network map

The so-called 'standardised mapping' being promulgated on Wikipedia just goes to show that there can't be one solution to interpret networks.

Network outline
101869042_TfW metromap18.jpg
101869042_TfW metromap18.jpg
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